Top 40 LA Court House Stage
Let us know what you think in our comments below. We know we missed a bunch of clips but we are currently working on an already been done page for this spot so if you have links or clips we have missed comment them below or send them over to
40. Chris Roberts - Switch manual frontside revert to fakie manual
39. Victor Brooks - Manual 360 Shuv out
38. Billy Hanning - Manual Casper flip out
37. John Dilo - Fakie ollie fake manual fake flip out
36. Victor Brooks - Nose manual nollie backside shuv to regular manny backside shuv to nose manual nollie frontside 180 out
35. Joey Brezinski - Manny to front shuv to varias heel flip out
34. Kelly Hart : Fakie pop shuv fakie manual
33. Dane Vaughn - Kickflip manual front 180 out
32.Chris Roberts - Switch ollie fakie manual fakie big spin to regular manual
31. Kelly Hart - Nollie Popshuv manual front 180 out
30. Chris Roberts - Switch manual switch front shuv to switch manual
29. John Dilo - Nose manual nollie half cab flip out
28. Sewa Kroetkev - Nose manual Nollie flip out
27. Nick Tucker - Nollie nose manual nollie heelflip out
26. Spencer Brown - Nose manual nollie treflip out
25. Victor Brooks - Nose manual nollie laser flip out
24. Danny Hamaguchia - Nollie shuv nose manual nollie front 180 out
23. Shmatty - Switch flip switch manual
22. Carlos Iqui - Switch flip switch manual
21. Chris Roberts - Switch flip switch manual
20. Kelly Hart - Pop Shuv nose manual nollie treflip out
19. Carlos Ribeiro - Switch kick flip switch front 180 out
18. Sewa Kroetkev - Nose manual nollie late flip out
17. Kelly Hart - Nollie Pop shuv nose manual nose flip out
16. Nick Tucker - Nollie Heelflip nose manual
15. Diego Najera - Switch heelflip fakie manual
14. Kelly Hart - Fakie Shuv switch manual switch flip out
13. Kelly Hart - Fakie Variable flip fakie manga
12. Nick Tucker - Backside flip to fakie manual
11. Chris Roberts - Switch manny switch 360 front shuv out
10. Nick Tucker - Switch heelflip switch manual switch late flip out
9. Diego Najera - Nollie varial kickflip nose manual nollie kickflip out
8. Casey Rigney - Nollie Heelflip nose manual
7. Nick Tucker - Nollie heelflip nose manual nollie heelflip out
6. Nick Tucker - Nollie heelflip nose manual nollie late kickflip out
5. Stevie William - Switch heelfip manual
4. Kelly Hart - Fakie treflip manual
3. Nick Tucker - Switch frontside flip manual backside flip out
2. Carlos Iqui - Fakie Hardflip switch manual
1. Nick Tucker - Switch Inward heelflip manual